Why It’s Not Okay To Eat Dog Meat.

CNN posted this article today.  It begs the question of why we think it is wrong to eat dog meat. 

I am not a vegetarian and my love for animals leads and I struggle with my moral compass on that regularly.  I often consider giving up meat… but there is something about a good piece of beef jerky or steaming hamburger that just keeps me from taking the plunge.  One commenter suggested replacing the word “dog” with “cow” throughout the article and then consider the differences.  I find that to be an interesting argument. 

It leads me back to questions that I ask myself on a regular basis.  What is it about dogs that makes them special?  What is it that makes them man’s best friend?  Why do I give up most of my free to make sure that the dogs that cross my path are safe and cared for?  What separates them from other animals?

I don’t know that I will ever have the answers to these questions or that I can even put into words what is behind my passion for animal rescue… but the first thing that came to my mind was Fred.

As you may recall from this post, Fred is supposed to be on bed rest to heal his sore knee.  He has been doing very well with staying in the house and only going outside to potty while on a leash.  Although, I must admit that lately he has been laying on the couch and looking up at me with huge puppy dog eyes.  He looks incredibly depressed, like he is longing to play with the others and bake in the sunshine.  He looks so pathetic it breaks my heart.  Otherwise, however, he is doing very well with it.

Last night, I came home late after a night out with friends.  Without thinking, I opened the door to let everyone out.  Fred bolted with the rest of the pack.  Immediately, I realized what I had done and tried to get Fred to come back in.  I tried everything… cornering him, luring him in with treats, getting him to follow the rest of the dogs inside, ignoring him, rattling his leash.  Nothing worked, he just looked at me, cocked his head to the side and stayed just outside of my reach. 

Completely defeated, I sat on the front step and sobbed a little.  Most of it was for show… some of it was frustration and being over-tired.  Within a few seconds of deep-hearted little cries, Fred inched his way over to me and laid his head in my lap.  I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my nose in the deep fur on his snout his.  The two of us stood up and walked inside together.

This is why we don’t eat dogs.  They are not just animals, they are our soul-mates.