What would you do if you won the lottery?

I recently read an article that analyzed the happiness of big-money, lottery winners.  They found that the happiest winners were the ones that had a plan for the money before they won and were able to implement those plans.  Of course, this gives me ALL THE MORE reason to solidify my plans for the day that I have limitless funds to play with. 

Being as predictable as I am, I bet it isn’t hard to believe that I would purchase a giant chuck of land and create a huge dog rescue and rehabilitation facility, if money were no object.  I spend a lot of time dreaming about it. 

Yesterday, I found out that the local Girl Scout Troop is selling eight camp sites.  One of the camps has 114 acres with several outbuildings, hiking trails, a pool and a lake.  The asking price is yet to be determined, but the tax value looks like it is around $700,000.  Still, the images in my head of this place are beautiful…    

I see rows of white fences outlining enormous, butterfly-filed fields.  Three or four dogs play their form of tag in each, volunteers throwing balls and wrestling in the long grass with them.  At dusk, the dogs chase lightening bugs back to where the fences converge into a large temperature-controlled building.  Inside, each dog has his/her nook to call their own.  Each one is filled with soft blankets and toys to snuggle with at night. 

A large open area bustles with trainers as they guide Labradors through intricate obstacle courses.  The dogs zigzag between poles and dash through loops as they run to the finish line.  From a distance, the lake looks like it is filled with orange bobbers, as life-vested volunteers and dogs relax in the cool water.  A large patio area is covered with elderly dogs, soaking up the warm sunshine.  The pool is filled with specialists providing special needs dogs with water therapy to ease their aches and rebuild their strength.

There is a giant building that buzzes with people busily assisting adoptive families and needy strangers.  Another building houses a full-time veterinary staff, dedicated to caring for the animals on-site and operating a low-cost clinic for the public.  Included is a beautiful infirmary where injured and sick animals receive around the clock care and monitoring.  A maternity ward provides a safe and loving place for new mama dogs to deliver and care for their babies.  A bone-shaped hut serves as a pet-store and grooming facility.  People travel for hours just to donate their time and money to help this place grow.  

Perhaps there is a large area just for cats too… but let’s not let our dreams get too big here! 

Seriously, though, I know that no amount of money would ever be able to create the doggie paradise that I long for.  A facility like this would still face the problems of over-crowding, financial restraints, a lack of volunteers, political complications, contagious diseases, disagreements on what is best for the animals… all of the realities that come with animal rescue.  But, it is reassuring to know that I have a plan for all of my winnings.

Now, I just need to start playing the lottery.