Inviting you to Puppy Mania!

As usual, posting has been on my mind but failed to come to fruition until now.  You could say I have had my hands full, though.

Joey - One Week Old

One Week Old

Monica - One Week

Chandler - One Week

There is an event going on at my house that I like to call “puppy mania” – this event lasts for weeks and has an undetermined end date.  A distinct aroma of wet puppy food mixes with puppy breath in the air.  Decorations are elaborate and include paper towels, bleach spray and lots of towels/blankets.  The dress code is loose, consisting mostly of saggy nipples and fur – beads or anything else that can be choked on is strictly prohibited.  Hours of operation are flexible but include late evenings, early mornings and pretty much the whole day.  There is little time to relax, but the entertainment is second to none, featuring performances like learning how to walk, tiny barks and seeing a puppy open their eyes for the first time.  Honestly, I am not sure I could find any event more enjoyable.

Mama Macy

Macy is the “biggest” performer in the group, weighing in around 90 pounds with room to grow.  Believed to be a Great Pyrenees, she is an elegant, white, gentle giant.  As a stray, we cannot be certain, but she appears to be pure-bred.  Beyond the physical appearance and double-rear dew claws, her personality fits the breed standard perfectly.  She was staying in a local kill-shelter until she surprised everyone by birthing puppies.  With nowhere to keep her delicate newborns safe, the shelter contacted Stepping Stones for assistance.  Less than twenty-four hours after their birthday, Macy and her six puppies joined my foster family.

Macy and her puppies, Two Days Old

Macy and her puppies, Two Days Old

With three girls and three boys in the litter, it only seemed natural to go with the “Friends” theme.  So, please let me introduce… Monica, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe.
Puppies – Two Days Old

Chandler and Joey, Two Days Old

Rachel, Two Days Old

As I mentioned, it has taken me some awhile to find time to post… these guys are now four weeks old and nearly five pounds each.  They are learning to walk and have discovered toys.  Before long, they will be looking for their forever homes.  With that in mind and Macy’s distinct personality, I have been eager to learn as much as possible about the Pyrenees breed.  I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Macy and spending time with her because she is unique from my other fosters.  It has taken weeks to develop a real bond with her.  However, my concerns have been completely put to rest after a bit of research.  After doing some reading, I am completely fascinated by this breed and can’t help by share a few things I learned.

Puppies - Two Weeks Old

Puppies - Two Weeks Old

Great Pyrenees are part of the “working dog” group.  Developed several hundred years ago around the Pyrenees Mountains of southern France and northern Spain, they were bred as livestock guardians.  Their giant size, thick coat and agility made them perfect flock protectors on the steep mountain slopes, even taking on bear when necessary.  Trusted with such important duties, Pyrenees have developed into confident, stubborn and independent dogs with a propensity to roam.  Many of the sites I read suggested that they are not easy to train and require a great deal of patience.  While exceptionally intelligent, they are less eager to please than other dogs.  Instead of immediately responding to a command, they will take some time to consider whether they want to perform the act or not.  Contrary to popular training techniques, Pyrenees do not respond well to dominant leaders.  They have been bred to be leaders themselves.  Therefore, they will work better with a stern, solid and trust-worthy partner.  Since reading this, I have worked to make sure Macy and I have a regular routine and a great deal of consistency, in an effort to build trust.  It seems to be working.  This morning, she nuzzled in for a good head scratch. Once comfortable with someone, these dogs are extremely affectionate and loyal, preferring to sleep touching some part of their person, whenever possible.  They are generally rather lazy, but do require exercise and have a great tolerance for sustained energy all day long, especially in cool weather.  Naturally nocturnal, these dogs also have a tendency to bark.  Interestingly, the puppies started barking when they were just two weeks old and continue to bark regularly in their tiny little voices.


Beyond their personality, they also have unique grooming needs.  Their thick double-coat will be shed completely twice a year and requires weekly grooming to avoid matting.  A breed standard includes a unique double-dew claw on both back legs.  In most puppies, dew claws are removed to prevent future injuries.  This should NEVER be done to a Pyrenees.  Not only is it a characteristic specific to the breed, the dew claws are generally securely attached with bone and are used for balance and secure footing in deep snow.  Males can be expected to weigh in as much as 115 – 130 pounds, with females around 90 – 110.  Their thick coat makes extreme heat difficult to endure and they will seek out cool areas to rest in, even if that means digging a hole in the dirt to cool off.  Generally all-white in color, they may also come in various shades of tan (hello, Phoebe) or with a “badger” coloring around their face, ears and even parts of the body (think Joey).  With age, the dark badger spots tend to fade, spread out and become less apparent.  One color not recognized in the breed is brindle… Chandler and Rachel are clear indicators of another breed in these babies.

Monica - Three Weeks Old

Ross - Three Weeks Old

Phoebe - Three Weeks Old

Joey - Three Weeks Old

Rachel - Three Weeks Old

Chandler - Three Weeks Old

In short, a Great Pyrenees will make a fantastic pet for someone willing to learn about these special dogs and patiently work to build trust and affection.  Once accomplished, their rewards are sure to be immense.
In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy “puppy mania” while it lasts, soaking in all of the snuggles and puppy kisses I can get.  But, don’t think this is the end of the mania… part two to follow shortly!  Until then… enjoy our little photo shoot:

Joey - Three Weeks Old

Joey - Cause he is so cute

Phoebe - Three Weeks OldMonica - Three Weeks Old




Puppy Pile

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