Always Guessing

It is hard to tell if Spirit is progressing or not. But, she sure keeps me guessing.

Over the weekend, I was able to get a better look at her teeth. It seems she is older than I first thought. She has some adult teeth coming in behind her baby teeth, indicating that she is closer to 16 or 17 weeks. This makes her size more reasonable. But, also means that the feral is that much more ingrained. I am worried about the look of some of her teeth and will have to have a vet check them out soon.

In hopes of keeping the other dogs out of Spirit’s food, I was keeping her confined to the kitchen with a baby gate. I didn’t think much of it because she never moved more than a few inches from her spot. However, Sunday night she woke me up with a loud, sad cry. It was the first and only sound I have heard her make. I removed the baby gate and the next morning, she was laying in a huge dog bed on the other side of the living room. On her journey, she must have stopped and picked up a string dog toy because it was in the bed with her. This toy had ended up near her a few other times… but I always assumed the other dogs were bringing it to her because I she never seemed to move.

Spirit didn’t move from that huge dog bed until a loud noise outside scared her into hiding under the couch. She was still under the couch when I woke up this morning. However, she must be quite nocturnal. Because this morning, her string toy, two other dog toys and my shoe were all in the huge dog bed again.

I stopped at Goodwill yesterday and picked up two large stuffed animals for her. I was hoping they might ease some of her loneliness. But, so far, she hasn’t taken to them. Maybe she will tonight!


Spirit makes it ALL the way across the room!

Spirit’s collection of items from her nocturnal adventures.

And then… right back under the couch… it was a long day!