Children are for people that can’t have dogs.

I read this quote the other day and it cracked me up.  Of course, being child-less makes me biased.

It got me thinking about all the ways that dogs are easier than kids:

  1. You won’t get arrested for leaving them home alone, in a cage.
  2. Budgeting to pay for college, allowance, or a wedding isn’t necessary.
  3. You never have to cover their ears during “adult talk”.
  4. They will never tell anyone that you dance naked while signing Michael Jackson hits into your hair brush.
  5. No matter how long you are in the car, you will never hear “are we there yet”.
  6. A slice of cheese will be appreciated more than any designer jeans, a fancy car or cell phone.
  7. Swear words can fly all day long and they won’t repeat them in church, or scream them in a restaurant.
  8. She will never bring home a boyfriend you don’t like.
  9. No one will give you funny looks when you hook a rope to his neck and drag him around on it.
  10. A good scratch behind the ears is all it takes to make him happy.

Of course, there are lots of reasons why kids are easier than dogs:

  1. No matter how many times you ask your dog to do his chores, he will never listen.
  2. It is rare that you show up to work with your kid’s hair all over your pant leg.
  3. Eventually, kids stop drooling on you.
  4. After giving them a bath, your whole house won’t smell like wet dog.
  5. When it is cold or raining, you don’t have to take them out to pee.
  6. It is unlikely that your child will chew off the corner of your couch and leave stuffing all over the room.
  7. If your child bites someone, you don’t have to remember where you put his rabies certificate.
  8. You don’t have to keep plastic bags in your purse, just in case.

Why can I only come up with eight on this list?

Please comment on this post with your additions to either list!

One Comment

  1. Darcy says:

    To the first list:
    Dogs will never go through a “Mom-you’re-just-not-cool” phase. They love you at every age.