Being A New Mom is Hard Work!

Taking care of triplets is a lot of work.  Poor Clover is exhausted, but she is doing a great job and the puppies are growing like crazy!

Mother and Daughter

So Tired!

This video shows just how much work this is!  The babies can be very loud and demanding!  (Please ignore the mess on the wall, Clover is still having some drainage from her surgery and despite cleaning her kennel daily, it still gets messy.)





Exhausted New Mom

Wiped Out!

There are 2 Comments

  1. Vicki says:

    Ah-h-h! Such a precious family! I can not help but think of the great love this perfect mama has for her children when I see them feeding from her sensitive, sore belly in the video. Providing for them is her main concern; not her discomfort. The pictures are beautiful – you can feel the love!!!

    • Amber says:

      She is a very good mama. You are right. Her little belly looks sore. But, she won’t even disturb them to go to the bathroom (I have to force her to leave them). She works very hard.