Big changes are happening in our house!

After several denied applications, both Romi and Michelle have home visits scheduled for this weekend.  E, the Dog Team Leader for AARF, will be taking Romi all the way past Charlotte to meet her potential new parents and doggie brother.  At the same time, Scott and I will be headed two hours North into the mountains to visit Michelle’s possible new home.  Michelle’s applicants take their dogs to work every day and she would be going with them!  Both families are experienced Shar Pei owners and are well prepared to provide the girls with the eye surgery they need.  If all goes well at the visits, both girls will be officially adopted this Saturday!
We just picked them up from the Vet this morning, both girls were spayed yesterday and I am happy to say that they are doing very well.  They spent the night at the Vet’s office and they were pretty happy to see us when we walked in the door – that always makes my day.  Both of them have just one set of shots left before they will be fully vaccinated – protected from all of that bad junk that could hurt them. 
After denying an application on Watson the week before, he received another one on Saturday.  He has a home visit this evening.  If all goes well, he will be going to his new home soon too.  His previous applicant wanted to keep him in a dog lot… fortunately, E’s amazing investigation skills figured that out before the application went through.  Watson is such a social dog, he craves human attention.  The thought of him on the other side of a wire fence staring up at me with his big brown eyes… whimpering as he longs for affection is almost more than I can stand to think about.  Fortunately, he didn’t go to that home and hopefully this new family will be just what we have been waiting for.   
There is still a strong possibility that these adoptions will not go through.  Just in case, I am preparing myself for a slightly empty nest!