
I must apologize for my lack of posts recently.  There have been a number of reasons.

First:  Something happened, something bad… I am still working up the courage and words to explain it.  A post about it is coming soon.  However, it temporarily derailed my enthusiasm for the blog.  But, it’s back! 

Second:  I have been camera-less for several weeks now.  There are so many things I want to blog about, but I fear that they are incomplete without the photos for full effect.  I have been counting down the days to the arrival of my new camera (which was supposed to be on Monday).  Unfortunately, Sony has let me down again!  When no shipping confirmation arrived on Monday, I contacted Sony for an update.  They said that the camera has been so popular it is back ordered.  I CALL BOLONGA!!!  I ordered this camera on January 31, only a week after it was even announced… is it possible that there are that many people ahead of me that they haven’t shipped mine yet.  I really doubt it!  If you are gonna give an excuse… at least give a good one, like it is made in Japan!  Come on!

Third:  WordPress (the program this blog is on) is driving me INSANE!!!  I have attempted to post one blog several times.  I was hoping to include a number of pictures (old ones) in it.  But every time I hit “save”, all but one photo disappears and my captions end up standing alone in a pile of meaningless words… damn computer trolls! 

Hence, I apologize for not writing recently.  My excitement over this blog has not faded… there are many more posts to come very soon!  Promise!