We have babies!


Buddha – he is on the far right and is all black with a tiny white streak on the back of his neck.  Weighs 11.7 ounces.

Wishbone – he is in the middle and has a white streak that goes around his neck, resembling a wishbone.  Weighs 10.6 ounces.

Penny – the only girl of the litter, she has a black dot on upper shoulder.  Weighs 12.1 ounces.

Note of interest… I have been told that many Beagles are born black and white and the black slowly turns more brown.  Right now, all three have just a little brown on them, so it will be fun to see what they grow into!

These are some lucky puppies.  Thursday, February 9, Clover went into labor at 1:30 PM.  It was as though she waited for me.  I came home for lunch and within 20 minutes, her labor began.  I was hoping to have lots of full detail videos and photos to share.  But, unfortunately, her labor was anything but beautiful.  After struggling with contractions that made her yelp and no puppy appearing, we rushed her to the Vet.  Following a normal blood test screening, the Vet gave her pitocin to help her labor proceed.  Unfortunately, the puppies were far larger than anyone could have imagined and the first little boy became stuck in the birth canal.  Clover was rushed into emergency surgery at 5:30 PM.

Sadly, the c-section was not able to save that first baby.  But two little boys, one girl and mama all came through just fine and they really are some big babies!  (Remember, mama is very tiny, only 19 pounds with all of these guys inside of her).

This photo was taken within two hours of her surgery.  Once she came home, the struggle was not over.  Having not birthed naturally, we were unsure that that she would be able to produce milk.  Furthermore, she was still groggy from the surgery and she was not able to perform her normal motherly duties so it became our job to fill in with stimulating the babies to relieve themselves and directing them towards her nipples.  It took all night, but by morning, the babies appeared to be doing very well.  By then, Clover was up and alert and clearly producing milk!

Mama's Love

While it wasn’t a perfect ending, I still feel so fortunate.  I was there when she went into labor and able to get  her to a Vet when she needed one (just think if she had still been on the streets).  We took her to a great Vet that stayed well past closing in order to perform surgery and she was able to produce milk and care for her babies on her own.

Now, we are enjoying three very healthy, beautiful and active little babies!  They are shockingly agile and very strong.  Clover is a very good mama.  She doesn’t like it when the puppies are away from her… even if it is just long enough for me to snap a quick picture.  So, I apologize for the lack of up-close portraits…. but I don’t mess with a good mama!

Buddha's Portrait

Penny's Portrait

Wishbone's Portrait

There are 2 Comments

  1. Sharon Lough says:

    Congratulations! Good job also, the pups are really cute.

  2. Vicki Callahan says:

    Ah-h-h-h! Such precious babies! Clover certainly is a proud mama.

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