You might be in animal rescue if…

You might be in animal rescue if…

– your most valuable possession is a plastic bag (and you have one stashed in every corner of your house and car).

– the only fur coat you care to own is the one covering your couch.

– the words “rice” and “spagetti” make you lose your appetite.

– you can recognize three different types of infection, using nothing but your sense of smell.

– you hate the person that coined the phrase “shit happens”.

– you have your paycheck mailed directly to your vet’s office.

– your camera has more photos of cats and dogs on it than people.

– you think that changing a baby’s diaper might be welcomed change from the usual.

– all of the vet office’s in town know who you are before you say your name (and you hear them sigh a little).

– all of your friends have kids and you can’t remember their names. But, you can name 15 breeds of dog that start with “B”.

– you request crotch-full panties for Christmas.

– you purchase a car for the number of crates per square inch, instead of miles per gallon.

– your neighbors find a stray and automatically assume it is yours.

And if any of these didn’t make sense to you… then you haven’t rescued enough animals!