Happy Ending for Mama Dog!

Erin sent this follow-up email on Brianna this morning.  What a wonderful ending new beginning!  If you were considering donating, please do.  She will still need follow-up care and the bill has not been completely satisfied…  and she is just one of so many that need your help. 

Good morning,

Brianna pulled through last night.  There was not a dead puppy inside of her.  What happened was that several of the puppies’ placentas had detached from the puppies and remained inside of her.  They stuck together to form a big clot that felt surprisingly like an eighth puppy inside her abdomen.  This likely happened because of her size, the number of babies she was carrying, and the severe malnutrition and starvation that she suffered throughout her pregnancy.  Her little body just couldn’t give anymore.

The vets gave her several injections that allowed her to finally ‘birth’ all of the extra material inside her.  They also put her on IV fluids for several hours, which helped her regain some strength.  Had this been left untreated, Brianna would have continued to labor indefinitely, would have continued to bleed excessively, and would probably have developed a serious infection.  Her body would not have been able to handle any of this.

On the bright side, the vet said that the only reason that she and the puppies made it through this was because of the high quality, protein rich diet we’ve had her on for the last week and a half of her pregnancy.  I am happy to report that Brianna is home and in total mama mode – all 7 puppies nursing well and screaming for their mother if they accidentally roll away from her. 🙂 

The vet worked with us to wiggle her bill down to $500.  (Bloggers note:  The Emergency Vet here is A.MAZ.ING!)

Thanks SO MUCH to all those who forwarded my email around and to those who have made or will make donations toward Brianna’s care.  Your support is what makes it possible for us to give second chances to animals like Brianna.  So, thank you on behalf of Brianna and her new family!  (Photo attached)



Brand New Mama

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