
There is nothing better than seeing a foster go from a difficult situation to one where he/she is clearly going to be loved forever.  At the same time, it is always hard to say goodbye.  I started this weekend with a lot of anxiety, knowing that three of my fosters were going to be adopted… and wondering how I would  handle such a quiet home. 

Watson’s family picked him up on Friday night.  It didn’t take long until I was missing him big time.  Then, I received an email that his new family sent to the AARF mailbox when arranging his adoption.  One line made me burst into tears and feel 100% better, “I will make ya’ll a promise, and that is that Watson will be more loved than any dog you have every adopted out.”  

This morning, I was thrilled to get an update on his progress.  He spent the weekend meeting his new extended family members and settling right into his new home.  As you can see, it looks like he didn’t waste any time getting comfortable: 

Watson in His New Home, photo courtesy of Alisha Trexler

Watson In His New Home, photo courtesy of Alisha Trexler

On Saturday, Scott, Michelle and I headed North to the meet her adoptive family.  We traveled way up the mountain, down a driveway and were welcomed into a beautiful home with a roaring fire and amazing views of the wilderness.  My favorite part was the stairs they had just set up in order to make it easier for Michelle to get into their bed at night.  Her new doggies siblings were adorable… even the feline didn’t seem to mind her much.  I have already gotten an update that she is doing great and the photos make it look like she is finally getting the spoiling she deserves.  Her mom is a fellow blogger and I stole these photos from her blog, The Lough Life:  

Michelle (aka: Kele) in Her New Home

Her First Night In A Human Bed! (With Her New Mama)

Napping With Her New Dad (What a lucky girl!)

On our way home, Scott and I stopped at an awesome little shop called the “Mountain Dog” – it was filled with pet supplies – my idea of Heaven!  Anyone that finds themselves in Sugar Mountain should definitely stop by and check the place out.    

The third dog scheduled to go home this weekend was Romi.  Unfortunately, she has had some complications with her spay and needs to see the Vet again tomorrow.  We are keeping a close eye on her and she is fiesty as ever.  Her new family is anxious to have her home with them and I think that will happen very soon.  

In summary… I currently feel like the most fortunate foster mom of all time.  Three great homes for my three very special babies.  Each family is caring for a piece of my heart and I don’t think they could be in better hands.  (oh boy… there go the water works again

On a side note:  LC received an application on Friday and it was approved!  In the end, they chose a different dog.  I am happy they found the right fit, but I am thrilled that she has had some interest.